Monday, January 24, 2011

Goals, CPA, and Love

I think the title will make more sense.  They really are all unrelated.

Week three went a lot better!  Because I have you all to write to each week, I was more motivated to work on things.  I gave myself an overall score of 90%.  I'm going to work hard for 100% this week.  One thing that I'm trying to realize while doing this are my motivations.  I think one of the main motivating factors is my accountability to my blog.  I'm not sure how much of that really is driving why I'm doing this.  And if it is driving it, is that Okay?  Maybe that's good as a kick-start to forming a good habit?  Either way, I feel a lot better about myself and the things that I'm getting accomplished.

I started studying for the 1st of 4 CPA examinations today.  I am planning on taking my first text on April 1.  There are 7 lectures.  I'll cover one per week and then give myself a couple of weeks for review.  The lecture sessions each week last about 4 hours, and then the rest of the week I spend studying the material.  I'll have to say that sitting and listening to a DVD today for 4 hours straight was a bit taxing.  I felt like a zombie afterwards. I better get used to this.  This will be life for the next 7 months. :)

I've been trying to understand the concept of love lately and what it means.  Reading in Tolstoy's War and Peace, I found a great perspective of what friendship is and how love should be viewed in it.  
"We don't love people so much for the good they have done us, as for the good we have done them."
I think that up until just recently, I have viewed my relationships with everyone in the view of the first part of this quote.  I have loved them because of what they have done for me.  Truly, the things others do are quite endearing, and bring us closer together.  But, I think I'm starting to realize that the second part of this is exactly right and the truer definition of love.  Love is a choice rather than a feeling.  I think I've heard that before, but never really believed it.  I'm starting to believe it.


  1. Love is always a choice. Glad we're on the same page now. Keep up the good work.

  2. I've heard that about love too! An old bishop of mine spoke about that in a talk he gave. How we must see what we can do to lift others, help others, etc. Forgetting what they should do for us, and thinking about what we can do for them. It reminds me of charity, ya know? When we serve others and such we begin to have a love for them. I firmly believe that, especially with people who may be difficult, as I figure out what I can do to help them, lift them and such I begin to see them as children of our Heavenly Father. Yay! Good blog post Beej! And you are gonna ACE those exams. Just envision it!
